Deposits And Withdrawals - Wealth


Navigate to a client account, then go to Cash Hub > Payments In for details on how client's can transfer funds in to their Mason Stevens account.

    • BPay – each client has a unique BPay reference number
      • Time to process: Up to 5 business days
    • Direct Credit – reference number is the clients’ Mason Stevens account number. Please set a cash expectation on the platform to ensure a faster allocation of cash to your client’s account. Foreign currency cash transfer are permitted for the securities listed below, select the currency to receive the payment details.
      • Time to process: 2 business days.
    • Direct Debit – please complete a Direct Debit Request Form. if your client has granted to ongoing authority, navigate to the Cash Hub at any time to action a payment.
      • Time to process: 5 business days



Navigate to a client account, then go to Cash Hub > Payments Out to make a payment out of your client’s Mason Stevens account to their nominated bank account. You can set up Singular or Regular Withdrawals.

  • Time to process: 1 business day if submitted before 11.45 AM Sydney Time, otherwise 2 business days.



Have any questions for us?

If you cannot find the answer you are looking for, you can submit a request and we will be in touch as soon as possible. Alternatively you can contact us on 1300 988 878, or email us at