How Do I Add A Banking Product?

During onboarding
  1. During the onboarding wizard under Investment and fees, you will be able to locate the destination to set up Banking products.
  2. Once you have selected ‘Yes’ to Do you want to add a banking product, you will then need to select between Macquarie CMA, Rabobank CMA, or ANZ as a provider. 

Additionally, we will require the following details to initiate this feed:

  • Account name
  • Account number
  • BSB
  1. You can add more than one banking product, by selecting Add another banking product.
After onboarding
  1.  Using Quick search lookup and retrieve the client, then go to Add portfolio.
  2. Along the horizontal menu, select Add banking product portfolio.
  3. You will need to select between Macquarie CMA, Rabobank CMA, or ANZ as a provider.

Additionally, we will require the following details to initiate this feed,

  • Account name
  • Account number
  • BSB

You can add more than one banking product, by selecting Add another banking product.

Where the external banking product appears
  1. Once you have created the portfolio, you will be immediately taken to the Holdings page. 
  2. The balance for the CMA will be reflected immediately.


The balances are updated after 8AM each day.

How do I link an external bank account as an external asset?
  1. Using Quick search lookup and retrieve the client, then go to External assets.

  2.  You will land on Manage external assets.


    3. From there, once you select Link external bank account the below pop up will appear.

    4. Under data provider, you can now select from Australian Money Market or Rabobank.



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