How Do I Add And Update Client’s Bank Account Details?

Where can I find the form to add or update my client’s bank details?

1. Locate the Service Request Form - changes to an account form, either from the Literature Library on the Left Hand Side Menu of the platform or under our public website 'Resources'.

2. Scroll down to Investments (including SMSF) – Documents & Forms.

These forms are all related to our Investment Product.

3. Select the Service Request Form – changes to an account (investments only).

Where do I upload the form?
Once the form has been completed and signed by your client, under Create new located at the top right of the page, you can submit the form as a Service request.

1. Under Service request type select Bank account change.

2. Search the Account you are adding or updating the bank details for.

3. Upload the completed Service Request Form – changes to an account (investments only).

4. You can now submit the request.

How do I check the progress of my service request?

1. Select Work in progress under Adviser home via the vertical menu.

2. A horizontal menu will appear. Click Service requests.

3. You have the ability to filter options and see further details regarding the service request.


Have any questions for us?

If you cannot find the answer you are looking for, you can submit a request and we will be in touch as soon as possible. Alternatively you can contact us on 1300 988 878, or email us at